Nobel Men & Women of God
Entrusted To Do God’s Work
In the House of the Lord
The Trustee Board is a committed body of men and women, being born again by having accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior over their lives; having a personal relationship with Christ and being filled with the Holy Spirit.
Trustees are individuals who will be entrusted with matters of the Church. The Church belonging to Jesus Christ (Matthew 16:18) and the Pastor giving instruction; The Pastor feeds her (her being the Church, which is the bride to the bridegroom, Christ Jesus), and the Pastor sees about her spiritual needs until Jesus returns. Therefore, that realm of responsibility, which is entrusted in the hands of the Nobel and Trusted men and women, as it relates to the body of Christ and her work, is precious and is not to be entered into by those who act like sheep, but are indeed wolves in sheep clothing. Moreover, being Servants entrusted to carry out the duties and assignments of a Trustee as described in our church’s by-laws, and following the directives that have been assigned specifically by the obligatory functions of the position’s duties, role and responsibility; or by the Church’s Board of Executive Officers, and or by the Pastor, who is the overseer and the under-Sheppard of the Church.