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Prayer Journal

Believers all over the world offer prayers to God every day, but prayer is a mysterious thing. A man might pray for something small and receive it immediately, while the big prayer that matters most to him seems to go unanswered for many years. A life of faith is filled with highs and lows, and in order to keep perspective, we encourage you to keep a prayer journal. Believers who choose to keep a prayer journal today are taking part in a cherished Christian tradition while also creating a record of their faith for the next generation.


People of faith all over the world pray the famous words of others. The Lord's Prayer, for example, which Jesus used to teach his disciples how to pray, has been cherished by millions over the centuries. While common prayer can be meaningful in its own way, personalized, individual prayer can lead a person to deeper intimacy with God. Keeping a prayer journal where can you be open and honest with the Lord can lead you to a place of deeper authenticity in your faith. A prayer journal is a place where you can confess and pray about things you might not verbalize to anyone else. 

Believers who keep a prayer journal often come to see how God is guiding their lives. Because they are able to track both their prayers and God's answers, they can sometimes see how God's plans are different from their own. Tara Furman, author of "Intimacy with God," says that part of prayer is listening. When you choose to not only pay attention to your prayers, but also record how God responds, it will be easier for you to discern how God wants you to live.


A prayer journal, gratitude journal, or spiritual diary is a major part of a believer’s daily prayer life. It's a place to record thoughts, feelings, insights, and most importantly, record answered prayers.

  • Why have a prayer journal? Like any form of writing, journaling allows us to organize our thoughts and connect ideas. When we read what we have written, we are reminded of those thoughts. When we read a prayer journal, it reminds us of God's influence in our lives.

  • What goes into a prayer journal? Some journals will have sentence starters such as Today I felt like.... Some will begin with a word or two such as Concerns or Special Moments: Others are blank pages allowing the writer more freedom of expression.

  • Important sections of a prayer journal may be as follows:a.  List of concernsb.  Answered prayers c.  Accomplishments for othersd.  Goalse.  Reflection on a Bible reading

  • A prayer journal can encourage us when we are discouraged. It can discipline us when we are undisciplined. It can remind us of God's love when we forget. A prayer journal helps us meditate on God's Word.



How to Write in a Prayer Journal


For people who have a difficult time putting their prayers into words, a prayer journal is a good choice. For some, writing is an easy way to communicate, even with God. Besides being a handy record of requests, a journal is a wonderful way to remember everything you want to pray about. After you fill the pages of your prayer journal, stash it in a private place to look over later. Prayer journals can be a great source of inspiration for years to come. Any empty journal or notebook is suitable journal material. If you are worried about privacy, then use a locking journal and be sure to tuck it somewhere safe and out of sight. Prayer journals are especially helpful for people who are overcoming sickness, disease, or just a tough time in life. Prayer journals can be used by people of all ages, young or old. A prayer journal along with a Bible or an inspirational book would make a great gift for your family and loved ones.


These are only suggestions.  Everyone’s prayer journal will be different and personal to their own needs and desires.

Things You Might Need:

  • Journal

  • Pens / Pencils

  • Highlighters  / colorful pens

  • CD Player

  • Worship CD or meditative instrumental music

  1. Place your CD player in the room you'll be writing in. Put your worship CD in the player and push "play." You'll create a peaceful area to write in with your worship music.

  2. Open the front cover of your journal. Record the starting date, your name, and any special thoughts you have on the inside cover. If your journal was given to you as a gift from someone, the inside front cover would be a good place to write and memorialize that.

  3. Write the date at the top of each page on which you begin writing. This will help you remember what day you prayed what prayer on.

  4. You might start your prayers with "Dear God." Addressing your prayers to God will help you keep your mind focused on prayer. Write your prayers down daily, in a free-flowing, unrestricted manner. Don't worry about making complete sentences or having a coherent message.

  5. Add a meaningful Bible scripture. Also write down any scripture that you have used in your prayer.

  6. Review your journal pages every few days, highlighting prayers and phrases that inspire or jump out at you. Add decorative stickers to the pages of prayers that have been answered, or use colorful pens to add amendments to prayers and give written praise for prayers you've seen answered.


However you decide to keep a prayer journal, it should be a meaningful way to deepen your relationship with God.  May the activity bring you peace and comfort. 



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